You are reading this article because you want to have free online health insurance quotes from multiple health care companies! You don't want the hassle of going to the offices of individual agents and provide same information again and again. You want to avoid this hassle.
Thats all possible. Thanks to Internet. It has really opened the avenue of getting multiple quotes from top companies a whole lot easier. Just few clicks of a button and the competitive rates are available for you.
To begin with you need to make a decision, whether you want to go to a specialized website that gives quote from a single company or do you want to go to website that can gather your information and then pass on to multiple companies so that you can get good rates from all these companies at the same time without repeating your information to them?
I suggest, go with the later. Provide your information only once and let the website send it to all the companies. This will save your time and will make your work easier.
This leads to another question - Which website should you choose? The one that takes your information to all the insurance companies irrespective of their reputation or should it be the one that sends your info to only top-notch healthcare companies? Of course the later. This is most important when you go for free online health insurance quote. you don't want to run in some scamming companies. There are lots of like these outside.
Once you have selected the applicable website, its now the time to enter the information that is needed to get your free quote. Entering this info doesn't take more than 5 min.
Thats it..Congratulations, you are on your way to get some interesting and competitive health insurance quote online for free and that too only from the companies that are reputed in the market.
Rahul Gupta is expert in Health Insurance and has assisted a lot of people in getting good health insurance rates. To get more tips on free online health insurance quote
Senin, 21 Januari 2008
How To Get Free Online Health Insurance Quotes From Multiple Companies
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Label: Insurance quote
Apa Itu Asuransi - Info Asuransi - Artikel Asuransi
Apa itu Asuransi dimana Asuransi adalah sebuah sistem untuk merendahkan kehilangan finansial dengan menyalurkan risiko kehilangan dari seseorang atau badan ke lainnya.
Badan yang menyalurkan risiko disebut "tertanggung", dan badan yang menerima resiko disebut "penanggung". Perjanjian antara kedua badan ini disebut kebijakan: ini adalah sebuah kontrak legal yang menjelaskan setiap istilah dan kondisi yang dilindungi. Biaya yang dibayar oleh "tetanggung" kepada "penanggung" untuk risiko yang ditanggung disebut "premi". Ini biasanya ditentukan oleh "penanggung" untuk dana yang bisa diklaim di masa depan, biaya administratif, dan keuntungan.
Asuransi dalam Undang-Undang No.2 Th 1992 tentang usaha perasuransian adalah perjanjian antara dua pihak atau lebih, dengan mana pihak penanggung mengikatkan diri kepada tertanggung, dengan menerima premi asuransi, untuk memberikan penggantian kepada tertanggung karena kerugian, kerusakan atau kehilangan keuntungan yang diharapkan atau tanggung jawab hukum pihak ke tiga yang mungkin akan diderita tertanggung, yang timbul dari suatu peristiwa yang tidak pasti, atau memberikan suatu pembayaran yang didasarkan atas meninggal atau hidupnya seseorang yang dipertanggungkan.
Contohnya, seorang pasangan membeli rumah seharga Rp. 100 juta. Mengetahui bahwa kehilangan rumah mereka akan membawa mereka kepada kehancuran finansial, mereka mengambil perlindungan asuransi dalam bentuk kebijakan kepemilikan rumah. Kebijakan tersebut akan membayar penggantian atau perbaikan rumah mereka bila terjadi bencana. Perusahaan asuransi mengenai mereka premi sebesar Rp1 juta per tahun. Risiko kehilangan rumah telah disalurkan dari pemilik rumah ke perusahaan asuransi.
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Label: Pengertian Asuransi
Kamis, 17 Januari 2008
Health Insurance - Temporary Alternatives That You Can Benefit From
ortunately there are temporary alternatives to regular health coverage plans that can offer you protection during specified periods of time till you obtain a definite solution.
Bear in mind that a temporary solution is always more expensive than a definite health insurance policy. However, there are situations that require this type of solutions while you search for a new job or a fixed health coverage policy. In any case, it is important that you know and prepare yourself for temporary higher expenses on this particular field of your budget during this period.
Temporary Health Insurance Products
Temporary health assurance products are available through regular insurance companies but you need to analyze first what kind of policy you will need. The coverage of the policy will include more or less depending on the costs. However, if you want to obtain the best coverage for the lowest price, it is a smart idea to obtain quotes on the internet by doing some research. There are many online sites offering comparisons and advice on different health indemnity policies.
What to search for? Well, first of all, look for only high rated insurance companies and among them, look for policies that have the best assurance on those fields you are more interested in. Only then search for the best price you can get. After all, this is not a regular product you can haggle about. Thus, though a good price is important, having the proper coverage is far more imperative.
COBRA Health Insurance Coverage and Its Requirements
When your job is terminated and you enjoyed the benefits of group health assurance products, you can continue being insured for a specific period of time. You will retain the same coverage you had during employment which is particularly interesting because pre-existing conditions continue to be covered while with temporary insurance products you purchase later will not cover pre-existing conditions.
COBRA coverage will only last a specific period of time. It will usually end as soon as you are hired again by other employer. As regards to the payment, you will need to afford the costs yourself since the contract with your former employer ends when your job is terminated. COBRA is sometimes more expensive than a temporary health coverage, especially if your former employer paid for a high rate policy.
What Do Temporary Health Insurance Products Cover?
Usually temporary health indemnity products cover the same risks and costs that permanent ones. Yet, there may be some fees and costs that are left aside. Mainly, the following items are always included: Emergency surgeries and procedures, physician and specialist fees, in-hospital and ambulatory treatments and other medical procedures excluding deterrent procedures. And as explained above, pre-existing conditions will most certainly be excluded from coverage as opposed to the COBRA program.
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Label: Insurance